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The UAE Embassy certification of English Translations of the Thai Marriage Documents for Visa Purposes

This is the service that supplies the needed translation of the marriage translations for the UAE if you are applying for a married working visa in the UAE, so you can live there together once you are legally married in Thailand.


We do not have to have been the firm that has arranged your marriage registration in the past.
We are happy to offer this service to anyone that needs. Itis baically the documents anyone who wished to live and work in the UAE as a expat with or without ones family of course we mostly do families. 


Our service includes:

  • Translation of the Thai Marriage Certificate and supporting documentation into English by a Thai certified translator
  • Certifications of the translation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Then, we take the documents to the UAE embassy in Bangkok for their certification
  • We then return the document to you after your honeymoon, or if need be, we can send it by FedEx or another courier service to you in the UAE.

The process can take from 7 to 10 or even 14 working days, depending on the speed (and mood, unfortunately) of the UAE embassy staff. We often are told to come back several times at collection appointments before the papers are released, so we can not promise the speed of this service. We do promise to do it as fast as possible.


After you are married and have Thai marriage documents certified by the UAE Embassy on your behalf contact us for a current quote. .

If you are interested in our services to make your certification as fast and painless as possible, please send us an email: inquires@legallymarriedinthailand.complease contact Jit

Open chat

My nickname is "Jit", and I am in charge of looking after our legal documentation and marriage registration preparations for couples to make their marriage legal.

If you want to know more about me, personally check me out on "Linked In" or just Google "Somchit Srimoon", which is my full name.