logo legally married in Thailand
Symbol of Iceland


Icelandic person must contact the Icelandic consulate in Bangkok to get the current requirements to marry in Thailand.

It does not matter if you have a Thai wedding or a beach wedding in Thailand, it is required to register your marriage legally under Thai law to be recognized by the Icelandic government.

You will need to get a document from your consulate in Bangkok in order to marry in Thailand. They will issue it, but first, you must supply them, your passport, birth certificate, and a single statues paper from the Statical department Iceland.

If you wish to talk with your consulate and make sure the consular will be present when you are planning on going to Thailand to marry. 

Consul General: Mr. Chamnarn Viravan
Office: Viravan Building, 2207 Newroad. Watprayakrai Bangkorlaem, Bangkok
Tel.: (2) 289 1121
Telefax: (2) 688 2690
E-Mail: markviravan @ hotmail.com


ICELAND The Embassy of the Republic of Iceland Chancery
Landmark Tower #8028 Dong San Huan Bei Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100004 The People’s Republic of China Tel: (8610) 6590-7795 6590-7796 Fax: (8610) 6590-7801 Email: icemb.beijing@utn.stjr.is
Website: http://www.iceland.org/cn/english

This is what you require from your embassy as a Iceland national to legally marry in Thailand.


Basic marriage registration procedure in Bangkok 


Open chat

My nickname is "Jit", and I am in charge of looking after our legal documentation and marriage registration preparations for couples to make their marriage legal.

If you want to know more about me, personally check me out on "Linked In" or just Google "Somchit Srimoon", which is my full name.